Paracon 24

09-10 October, 2024 UVAS Lahore-Pakistan

Instructions for Preparation of Abstracts

Expanded Abstract Format – Please refer to the example.


  1. TITLE OF PAPER: The paper title is printed in CAPITAL LETTERS, with the exception of scientific names which should be Upper/lower case and italicized. Scientific names should not be preceded of followed by commas or parentheses or other markings.
  2. AUTHOR(S): The first name should be the presenting author. Use * after the presenting author. Type in upper/lower case.
  3. ADDRESS AND EMAIL: Type only the presenting author’s institution, address and email.
  4. MAXIMUM LENGTH: One page.
  5. PAGE SIZE: Standard 210mm x 297mm A4 paper (portrait)
  6. MARGINS: 2.5cm (1-inch) throughout(left/right/top/bottom)
  7. SPACING: Single spaced
  8. PAPAGRAPHS: Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line and should not be indented.
  9. FONTS: Character fonts should be 12-point type.
  10. MEASUREMENTS: Use metric units of measurement. When needed, English equivalents may be given in parentheses.
09-10 October, 2024